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Symbol n°10 on a significant weather prognostic chart indicates ? Questionnaire > takeoff

exemple question 97

Symbol n°11 on a significant weather prognostic chart indicates ?

exemple question 98
Symbol n°11 on a significant weather prognostic chart indicates

Symbol n°12 on a significant weather prognostic chart indicates ?

exemple question 99
Symbol n°12 on a significant weather prognostic chart indicates

exemple question 100
Over a flat country area in lower layers of atmosphere turbulence generated

exemple question 101
The thermal turbulence results from The heating of ground.

exemple question 102
An aircraft flying in a strong head wind on approach suddenly encounters a no wind condition near ground the immediate effect of this wind shear will be An increase in rate of sink.

exemple question 103
In which case should smoothest flight be expected Under an overcast of stratus cloud.

Turbulence near ground due to surface heating will usually be most severe During early afternoon.

Which cloud type indicates presence of significant vertical currents at low levels During early afternoon.

Select correct statement from following Turbulence one of most unpredictable of all weather phenomena.

What the turbulence caused a wind blowing over rough terrain Mechanical turbulence.

Mechanical turbulence the result of Friction between air the ground.

Always suspect turbulence in presence of Friction between air the ground.

The recommended distance to stay away from a thunderstorm Friction between air the ground.

Indicate speed that descending air currents can reach in a cumulonimbus cloud 2 feet per minute.

The instrument used to measure surface wind speed An anemometer installed on a mast.

Indicate maximum speed that ascending air currents can reach in a cumulonimbus cloud An anemometer installed on a mast.

An aircraft flying in northern hemisphere at low altitude and going directly away from a centre of low pressure what direction relative to aircraft does wind come from An anemometer installed on a mast.

When isobars are close together The wind velocities are stronger.

A 310° wind a wind that comes from The wind velocities are stronger.

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