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If a MF is in use pilots departing VFR shall monitor that frequency until ? Students > operation

exemple question 78
Beyond specified distance or altitude.

A pilot is cleared to taxi to the runway in use without a hold short clearance To get there the aircraft must cross two taxiways and one runway This authorizes the pilot to taxi to ?

exemple question 79
A pilot cleared to taxi to runway in use without a hold short clearance to get there aircraft must cross two taxiways and one runway this authorizes pilot to taxi to The runway in use but further clearance required to cross other runway.

Ground control authorizes 'GOLF ALPHA BRAVO CHARLIE TAXI RUNWAY 29 HOLD SHORT OF RUNWAY 04' The pilot should acknowledge this by replying 'GOLF ALPHA BRAVO CHARLIE TO ?

exemple question 80
Ground control authorizes 'golf alpha bravo charlie taxi runway 29 hold short of runway 04' the pilot should acknowledge this replying 'golf alpha bravo charlie to The runway in use but further clearance required to cross other runway.

exemple question 81
When a clearance an 'immediate take off' accepted pilot shall Taxi onto runway take off in one continuous movement.

exemple question 82
A pilot flying a heading of 270° receives following from atc 'traffic 2 o'clock 5 miles eastboun this information indicates traffic is 6 ° to right altitude unknown.

exemple question 83
A pilot receives following atc clearance 'cleared to land turn right at the first intersection' the pilot should Land turn off at nearest intersection possible commensurate with safety.

exemple question 84
The radiotelephone distress signal to indicate serious and/or imminent danger requiring immediate assistance is Mayday mayday mayday.

The radiotelephone urgency signal to indicate a condition concerning safety of an aircraft vehicle or of some person on board which does not require immediate assistance is Pan pan pan pan pan pan.

What should be included along with call sign of aircraft and time to indicate cancellation of a distress Mayday(once) hello all stations (three times) this is (the call sign of station transmitting message filing time of message call sign of station in distress (once)) seelonce feenee out.

A departing flight will normally remain on tower frequency until Clear of control zone.

You advise atc that you are on downwind leg if there other traffic in circuit atc will then Inform you of your number in approach sequence or other appropriate instructions.

A radio equipped aircraft has been cleared to land at a controlled airport the pilot should acknowledge clearance by Transmitting aircraft call sign.

An initial call to timmins fss should be 'timmins Transmitting aircraft call sign.

A responsibility of a flight information center fic specialist to provide Flight planning services.

Notams are Available at all flight information centres (fic).

A new or replacing notam without term 'est' valid Until end time quoted in notam.

The term 'est' in end time in a new or replacing notam means notam valid Until a cancelling (notamc) or replacing (notamr) issued.

Atc advises that your radio transmissions are readability three this means that your transmissions are Readable with difficulty.

An arriving vfr flight shall make initial radio contact with control tower Prior to entering a control zone.

An aircraft on a special vfr flight has been cleared a 'straight in' approach because of low ceiling and poor visibility pilot concerned about exact location of a radio mast in vicinity avoiding this obstruction the responsibility Prior to entering a control zone.

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