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An aircraft's 121 5 MHz ELT may be switched to transmit for test purposes anytime ? Theoretical > takeoff

exemple question 75
During first 5 minutes of any hour utc.

Before shutting down you can verify that the aircraft's ELT is not transmitting by ?

exemple question 76
Before shutting down you can verify that aircraft's elt not transmitting by Listening on 2 5 mhz a signal.

What does the abbreviation 'ELT' stand for ?

exemple question 77
What does abbreviation 'elt' stand Emergency locator transmitter.

exemple question 78
All accidental elt activations should be reported to the Emergency locator transmitter.

exemple question 79
Choose sentence that best describes expression 'non controlled airport' The aerodrome circuit described in pro section of canada flight supplement.

exemple question 80
In southern domestic airspace runway 27 at an aerodrome would have a bearing of approximately The aerodrome circuit described in pro section of canada flight supplement.

exemple question 81
No pilot shall take off from or land at an aerodrome at night unless the Aerodrome lighted as prescribed the minister.

An airport is A certified aerodrome.

A dry transport canada standard wind direction indicator when horizontal indicates a wind speed of at least A certified aerodrome.

No person shall operate any vehicle on any part of an uncontrolled airport used the movement of aircraft except in accordance with permission from The operator of airport.

Runways and taxiways or portions thereof that are closed to aircraft are marked by White 'x on runways yellow 'x on taxiways.

The west end of a runway oriented east and west numbered White 'x on runways yellow 'x on taxiways.

Where taxiway holding positions have not been established aircraft waiting to enter an active runway should normally hold 2 ft from edge of runway.

The manoeuvring area of an airport that area Used taxiing taking off landing.

Except the purpose of taking off or landing an aircraft shall not be flown over an aerodrome at a height of less than Used taxiing taking off landing.

If cleared take off immediately following very low approach and overshoot of a large aircraft pilot should Decline take off clearance inform atc of reason non acceptance.

When an arriving aircraft cleared 'to circuit' pilot should interpret this to mean join circuit On downwind leg at circuit height.

When a nordo aircraft crosses an airport the purpose of obtaining landing information it should maintain At least 5 feet above circuit height.

An aircraft 'cleared to circuit' where a left hand circuit in effect without further approval from atc a right turn may be made to Join cross wind or a partial right turn to join downwind leg.

When instructed to continue an approach to a runway which clear of traffic what action should pilot take if no landing clearance received Request landing clearance.

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