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When in VFR flight within controlled airspace a pilot must remain clear of cloud by at least ? Test > weather

exemple question 74
5 feet vertically mile horizontally.

The minimum flight visibility for VFR flight within a low level airway is ?

exemple question 75
The minimum flight visibility vfr flight within a low level airway is 5 feet vertically mile horizontally.

When operating in accordance with VFR aircraft shall be flown ?

exemple question 76
When operating in accordance with vfr aircraft shall be flown With visual reference to surface.

exemple question 77
A pilot on a vfr flight within controlled airspace must remain clear of cloud at least ft vertically mile s horizontally With visual reference to surface.

exemple question 78
Normally a helicopter in uncontrolled airspace at less than 1 000 feet agl may operate during day in flight visibility which not less than With visual reference to surface.

exemple question 79
The minimum flight visibility during day vfr flight in uncontrolled airspace is With visual reference to surface.

exemple question 80
The minimum flight visibility during night vfr flight in uncontrolled airspace is With visual reference to surface.

What distance from cloud shall an aircraft maintain when flying below 1 000 feet agl within uncontrolled airspace With visual reference to surface.

An atc clearance authorizing svfr Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

Atc may authorize an aircraft equipped with a functioning two way radio to transit a control zone under day svfr provided flight visibility and when reported ground visibility are each not less than Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

Atc may authorize a helicopter equipped with a functioning two way radio to transit a control zone under day svfr where flight visibility and when reported ground visibility are each not less than Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

An aircraft flying in accordance with special vfr would be flying within Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

The international vhf emergency frequency is Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

Adiz rules normally apply Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

Which flight instrument systems and equipment are required on power driven aircraft day vfr flight in controlled airspace a magnetic direction indicating system or magnetic compass anda an airspeed indicator b an attitude indicator c an altimeter d a vertical speed indicator e a turn and bank indicator f a time piece g a heading indicator Permits a pilot to fly in below vfr weather conditions without complying with instrument flight rules.

A serviceable landing light required equipment on aircraft Carrying passengers at night.

When pic directs that safety belts be fastened an infant passenger which no child restraint system provided shall be Held securely in arms of responsible an adult person whose safety belt shall be fastened.

Unless oxygen and oxygen masks as specified in cars are readily available no person shall fly unpressurized aircraft above Held securely in arms of responsible an adult person whose safety belt shall be fastened.

No person shall fly an unpressurized aircraft more than at an altitude between 10 000 and 13 000 feet asl unless there readily available to each flight crew member an oxygen mask and a supply of oxygen Held securely in arms of responsible an adult person whose safety belt shall be fastened.

In an emergency requiring use of an elt it should be turned on Held securely in arms of responsible an adult person whose safety belt shall be fastened.

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