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Which response is most correct with respect to wake turbulence ? Experience > takeoff

exemple question 3
All of above are correct.

The wing tip vortices generated by a heavy aeroplane can cause a lighter aircraft encountering them to ?

exemple question 4
The wing tip vortices generated a heavy aeroplane can cause a lighter aircraft encountering them to Experience any of above situations.

During the two minutes after the passage of a heavy aeroplane in cruising flight hazardous wing tip vortices will ?

exemple question 5
During two minutes after passage of a heavy aeroplane in cruising flight hazardous wing tip vortices will Dissipate very slowly.

exemple question 6
The pilot of a light aircraft on final approach close behind a heavier aircraft should plan approach to land Beyond touchdown point of other aircraft.

exemple question 7
With regard to a flight itinerary responsible person means someone who Has agreed to report aircraft overdue.

exemple question 8
Wake turbulence produced by All fixed rotary wing aircraft.

exemple question 9
Wake turbulence caused a departing large aeroplane begins All fixed rotary wing aircraft.

Wake turbulence caused a departing aeroplane most severe immediately All fixed rotary wing aircraft.

Which statement concerning wing tip vortices false Vortices are caused directly 'jet wash'.

Wake turbulence will be greatest when generated an aeroplane which is Heavy clean configuration slow speed.

A helicopter in forward flight produces hazardous vortices Similar to wing tip vortices.

Which statement concerning vortices caused helicopters correct The size of helicopter has little bearing on intensity of vortices.

What effect would a light cross wind have on wing tip vortices generated a large aeroplane that had just taken off a light cross wind Could cause one vortex to remain over runway some time.

A flight crew member aware of being under a physical disability that might invalidate licence issue or renewal shall Not commence a flight as a crew member.

What the recommended treatment hyperventilation below feet Slow breathing rate to below 2 times per minute.

Damage to ear drum in flight most likely to occur Slow breathing rate to below 2 times per minute.

Clearing ears on a rapid descent may be assisted by Slow breathing rate to below 2 times per minute.

Flight crew members who require decompression stops on way to surface when scuba diving should not fly for Slow breathing rate to below 2 times per minute.

With regard to fatigue which statement correct according to information given under 'medical information' section of tc aim Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

A pilot who has donated blood should not act as a flight crew member at least next Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

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