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An aircraft should be properly grounded when refuelling to prevent ? Students > operation

exemple question 56

A single engine aircraft operating beyond gliding distance from shore or taking off from or landing on water shall have on board ?

exemple question 57
A single engine aircraft operating beyond gliding distance from shore or taking off from or landing on water shall have on board One life jacket each person.

A single engine helicopter operating beyond autorotation distance from shore or taking off from or landing on water shall have on board ?

exemple question 71
A single engine helicopter operating beyond autorotation distance from shore or taking off from or landing on water shall have on board One life jacket each person.

exemple question 72
Calculate fuel requirement using above information average fuel consumption 5 gph total flight time 30 minutes add 2 gallons taxi take off and climb One life jacket each person.

exemple question 73
Maximum gross t/o weight as per chart basic empty weight 2 200 lbspilot 180 lbsfront seat pax 170 lbsrear seat pax 160 lbscabin freight 250 lbsside holds 200 lbsrear hold 100 lbsfuel 850 lbs using above information helicopter's cg 37 Forward limit exceeded.

exemple question 74
Weight at take off 4 100 lbsaft 135 4 in fuel consumption 225 lbs/h after a flight of one hour pilot can expect cg to 37 Forward limit exceeded.

exemple question 75
The angle of attack of an aerofoil section defined as angle between Undisturbed airflow the chord line.

Static pressure acts Undisturbed airflow the chord line. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

The angle between airflow relative wind and chord line of an aerofoil the Undisturbed airflow the chord line. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

Induced drag created the Spanwise flow pattern resulting in tip vortices. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

Which of following statements about spin correct During spin recovery ailerons should be kept in neutral position. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

During a normal spin recovery The ailerons are held in neutral position. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

Which of following situations leads to a decreasing indicated stall speed ias The ailerons are held in neutral position. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

From straight and level flight to a steady horizontal turn lift must The ailerons are held in neutral position. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

'day' in canada defined as that period of time between The beginning of morning civil twilight the end of evening civil twilight. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

'night' in canada that period of time between The end of evening civil twilight the beginning of morning civil twilight. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

'controlled airspace' means all airspace of defined dimensions within which An atc service provided. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

The cars define an infant passenger as a person Under 2 years of age. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

Explosives or other dangerous articles shall not be carried on board any aircraft Unless in compliance with transportation of dangerous goods act. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

Except ultra light aeroplanes and balloons which documents shall be carried on board when flying a radio equipped canadian privately registered aircraft items a b anda flight authority certificate of airworthiness or flight permit b certificate of registration c technical records d crew licences e aircraft flight manual or equivalent document f type certificate g aircraft journey log book where it not planned that aircraft will land and shutdown at any location other than point of departure h proof of liability insurance Unless in compliance with transportation of dangerous goods act. Static pressure atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there no external disturbance where flow of air over surface perfectly smooth.

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