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What are the main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance hypovigilance 1 The monotony of the task2 Tiredness and the need for sleep3 A lack of stimulation4 Excessive stress ? MCQ > remotepiloting

exemple question 51

One way for a pilot to be efficient at an upcoming flight is ?

exemple question 52
One way a pilot to be efficient at an upcoming flight To prepare as many elements as possible the execution of flight.

A large number of medical preparations can be bought without a doctor's prescription In relation to using these preparations which of the following is correct ?

exemple question 53
A large number of medical preparations can be bought without a doctor's prescription in relation to using these preparations which of following correct A pilot using any of these preparations should get professional advice from an aviation medical specialist if he intends to fly self medicate at same time.

exemple question 54
A high motivation level related to A high arousal level.

exemple question 55
A person being exposed to intense and prolonged stress can perceive An increased heart rate sweating fatigue.

exemple question 56
A tired pilot Will show signs of increasing irritability.

exemple question 57
An accumulation of tasks to perform In a given time will negatively impact performance.

Even after consumption of small amounts of alcohol Your time of reaction increased. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

Alcohol even when taken in minor quantities Degrades your perception of reality. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

A good decision Takes into account your savoir faire. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

Once an pilot has developed a certain way of thinking about a problem he will probably Find it difficult to get out of that way of thinking difficult to try a different interpretation of data. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

Fatigue and constant concentration Decrease tolerance to hypoxia. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

Altitude hypoxia a consequence of Decrease tolerance to hypoxia. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

Whilst stationary on ground in a hangar most important loads on a cantilever wing are Tension in upper surface compression in lower surface. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

In flight wing of an aircraft containing fuel subjected to vertical loads that produce a bending moment which Highest at wing root. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

In straight and level flight most important loads on a cantilever wing are Compression in upper surface tension in lower surface. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

The purpose of static wick dischargers to Dissipate static charge of aircraft in flight thus avoiding radio interference as a result of static electricity. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

Significant torsion effects in a wing during flight can be caused Dissipate static charge of aircraft in flight thus avoiding radio interference as a result of static electricity. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

A structure in which skin takes all of load A monocoque structure. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

A cantilever wing A wing attached to fuselage at wing root only. Alcohol slows reflexes (it increases your reaction time!) which can decrease ability to react swiftly to changing situations even in small amounts alcohol increases your reaction time impairs your judgment decreases your visual field increases your blood sugar level.

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