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The 1500Z temperature/dewpoint spread at Portage La Prairie CYPG is 38 ? Understand > operation

exemple question 47

The altimeter setting at Winnipeg CYWG is 38 ?

exemple question 48
The altimeter setting at winnipeg cywg 38

Flying with a cold ?

exemple question 49
Flying with a cold Can cause a prolonged infection of middle ear.

exemple question 50
The tendency of human eye to focus at a point three to five feet away due to lack of stimulation called Can cause a prolonged infection of middle ear.

exemple question 51
A major early symptom of hypoxia lack of sufficient oxygen Euphoria (increased sense of well being).

exemple question 52
The effects of one drink of alcohol at sea level will Increase with an increase in altitude.

exemple question 53
During an approach to land on an upsloping runway pilot may experience illusion that aircraft Higher than it actually is.

When turning from downwind to into wind at low altitude a pilot may experience an illusion of Skidding decreasing airspeed.

A flight crew member aware of being under a physical disability that might invalidate licence issue or renewal shall Not commence a flight as a crew member.

What the recommended treatment hyperventilation below feet Slow breathing rate to below 2 times per minute.

With regard to fatigue which statement correct according to information given under 'medical information' section of tc aim Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

Damage to ear drum in flight most likely to occur Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

Clearing ears on a rapid descent may be assisted by Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

Flight crew members who require decompression stops on way to surface when scuba diving should not fly for Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

A pilot who has donated blood should not act as a flight crew member at least next Fatigue slows reaction time causes foolish inattentive errors.

Any pilot who has had a general anaesthetic should not act as a flight crew member Unless advised it safe to do so a doctor.

Any pilot who has had a local anaesthetic extensive dental procedures should not act as a flight crew member during next Unless advised it safe to do so a doctor.

Relatively small amounts of alcohol affect tolerance to hypoxia lack of sufficient oxygen this tolerance Deteriorates with increase of altitude.

Many common drugs such as cold tablets cough mixtures antihistamines and other over counter remedies may seriously impair judgement and co ordination needed while flying the safest rule to Take no medicine when you plan to fly except on advice of a civil aviation medical examiner.

Indicate factor that tends to emphasize empty field myopia effect in winter Facing sun causes details the relief of visual field to be lost.

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