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Where taxiway holding positions have not been established aircraft waiting to enter an active runway should normally hold ? Attestation > Yuneec

exemple question 1
2 ft from edge of runway.

The manoeuvring area of an airport is that area ?

exemple question 2
The manoeuvring area of an airport that area Used taxiing taking off landing.

Except for the purpose of taking off or landing an aircraft shall not be flown over an aerodrome at a height of less than ?

exemple question 3
Except the purpose of taking off or landing an aircraft shall not be flown over an aerodrome at a height of less than Used taxiing taking off landing.

exemple question 4
Runways and taxiways or portions thereof that are closed to aircraft are marked White 'x on runways yellow 'x on taxiways.

exemple question 5
Except ultra light aeroplanes and balloons which documents shall be carried on board when flying a radio equipped canadian privately registered aircraft items a b anda flight authority certificate of airworthiness or flight permit b certificate of registration c technical records d crew licences e aircraft flight manual or equivalent document f type certificate g aircraft journey log book where it not planned that aircraft will land and shutdown at any location other than point of departure h proof of liability insurance White 'x on runways yellow 'x on taxiways.

exemple question 6
Taking into account seasonal climatic variations and geographical area private aeroplanes and helicopters flying vfr 25 nm or more from an aerodrome or operating base may require Specified emergency supplies be carried.

exemple question 7
A serviceable landing light required equipment on aircraft Carrying passengers at night.

Unless oxygen and oxygen masks as specified in cars are readily available no person shall fly unpressurized aircraft above Carrying passengers at night.

No person shall fly an unpressurized aircraft more than ' ' at an altitude between and feet asl unless there readily available to each flight crew member an oxygen mask and a supply of oxygen Carrying passengers at night.

What safety equipment must be available to each person on board a single engine aircraft which taking off from or landing on water An approved life preserver.

The international vhf emergency frequency is An approved life preserver.

No pilot shall take off from or land at an aerodrome at night unless the Aerodrome lighted as prescribed the minister.

The cars define an infant passenger as a person Under 2 years of age.

When pic directs that safety belts be fastened an infant passenger which no child restraint system provided shall be Held securely in arms of responsible an adult person whose safety belt shall be fastened.

Which flight instrument systems and equipment are required on power driven aircraft day vfr flight in controlled airspace a magnetic direction indicating system or magnetic compass anda an airspeed indicator b an attitude indicator c an altimeter d a vertical speed indicator e a turn and bank indicator f a time piece g a heading indicator Held securely in arms of responsible an adult person whose safety belt shall be fastened.

If cleared take off immediately following very low approach and overshoot of a large aircraft pilot should Decline take off clearance inform atc of reason non acceptance.

The controller offers option a take off from a runway intersection the pilot must be aware that It the pilot's responsibility to ensure that remaining runway length sufficient take off.

A pilot requests an intersection take off from atc if authorized It the pilot's responsibility to ensure that remaining runway length sufficient take off.

When an arriving aircraft cleared 'to circuit' pilot should interpret this to mean join circuit On downwind leg at circuit height.

When a nordo aircraft crosses an airport the purpose of obtaining landing information it should maintain At least 5 feet above circuit height.

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