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Relative humidity is the ? Information > UAV

exemple question 37
Amount of moisture present in air compared to amount air could hold at that temperature pressure.

A condition when the air temperature aloft is higher than that of the lower atmosphere is generally referred to as ?

exemple question 38
A condition when air temperature aloft higher than that of lower atmosphere generally referred to as Amount of moisture present in air compared to amount air could hold at that temperature pressure.

Failure to adjust the altimeter when flying from an area of low pressure to an area of higher pressure will result in the altimeter indicating ?

exemple question 39
Failure to adjust altimeter when flying from an area of low pressure to an area of higher pressure will result in altimeter indicating Amount of moisture present in air compared to amount air could hold at that temperature pressure.

exemple question 40
Failure to adjust altimeter when flying from an area of low pressure to an area of higher pressure will result in aircraft indicated altitude reading Lower than actual altitude.

exemple question 41
The amount of water vapour that a given volume of air can contain governed its Lower than actual altitude.

exemple question 42
You take off from an aerodrome where pressure relatively high towards an aerodrome where pressure relatively low if you do not add altimeter setting when you arrive at your destination altimeter will tend to Overestimate altitude.

exemple question 43
The standard ico lapse rate defined as 98 deg c per '.

At equal pressure cold air than hot air 98 deg c per '.

As night approaches with no wind one can expect to encounter on coastline 98 deg c per '.

Which of following true of a land breeze It blows from land to water in evening.

The sea breeze stronger During mid afternoon.

In summer sea breeze sets in During hottest hours of day.

By day a sea breeze will Be onshore due to pressure drop on land.

When fog reported visibility below Be onshore due to pressure drop on land.

The main danger induced fog on flight The reduced visibility.

Weather phenomena that can significantly degrade horizontal visibility are The reduced visibility.

The situation that most likely to generate fog A temperature at or below dew point.

Which of following weather conditions favour formation of radiation fog By clear sky no cloud.

The following conditions most likely to lead to formation of radiation fog Very low wind near ground high air moisture.

A tree located at 0 8 km visible while a building located at 1 km not Very low wind near ground high air moisture.

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