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Blinking runway lights advises vehicles and pedestrians to ? Certificate > flight

exemple question 1
Vacate runways immediately.

Chrome yellow and black strips painted on pylons or on the roof of a building identifies ?

exemple question 2
Chrome yellow and black strips painted on pylons or on roof of a building identifies Vacate runways immediately.

Pilots should not overfly reindeer or caribou at an altitude of less than ?

exemple question 3
Pilots should not overfly reindeer or caribou at an altitude of less than Vacate runways immediately.

exemple question 4
When making initial contact with a canadian atc unit pilot of aircraft c gflu should transmit manufacturer's name or type of aircraft followed registration as Golf foxtrot lima uniform.

exemple question 5
When making initial contact with a canadian atc unit pilot of aircraft 'c fbsq' should transmit registration as Foxtrot bravo sierra québec.

After a canadian privately registered aircraft has made initial contact with an ats unit which items may be omitted from subsequent transmissions the aircraft type and The first two letters of registration if initiated ats.

On initial radio contact with an ats unit pilot shall transmit the Manufacturer's name or type of aircraft last four letters of registration in phonetics.

Atis normally provided To relieve frequency congestion.

Where atis available information which should be included on first contact with atc the Atis phonetic identifier.

Pilots operating vfr en route in uncontrolled airspace should continuously monitor and mhz when practical and not in communication on mf or atf frequency Atis phonetic identifier.

En route aircraft should whenever possible maintain a listening watch aircraft in distress on 2 5 mhz on aircraft receiver.

Mf procedures such as frequency distance and altitude to follow are given in the Canada flight supplement (cfs) or canada water aerodrome supplement (cwas).

Pilots broadcasting on a mf where no ground station in operation should direct their transmission to the Canada flight supplement (cfs) or canada water aerodrome supplement (cwas).

Pilots operating in vmc and intending to land at aerodromes where no unicom exists should broadcast their intentions on atf of Canada flight supplement (cfs) or canada water aerodrome supplement (cwas).

If a mf in use pilots departing vfr shall monitor that frequency until Beyond specified distance or altitude.

A pilot cleared to taxi to runway in use without a hold short clearance to get there aircraft must cross two taxiways and one runway this authorizes pilot to taxi to The runway in use but further clearance required to cross other runway.

Ground control authorizes 'golf alpha bravo charlie taxi runway 29 hold short of runway 04' the pilot should acknowledge this replying golf alpha bravo charlie to The runway in use but further clearance required to cross other runway.

When a clearance an 'immediate take off' accepted pilot shall Taxi onto runway take off in one continuous movement.

A pilot flying a heading of 270° receives following from atc 'traffic 2 o'clock 5 miles eastboun this information indicates traffic 6 ° to right altitude unknown.

A pilot receives following atc clearance 'cleared to land turn right at the first intersection' the pilot should Land turn off at nearest intersection possible commensurate with safety.

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