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The CARs define an infant passenger as a person ? Validation > Parrot

exemple question 14
Under 2 years of age.

Explosives or other dangerous articles shall not be carried on board any aircraft ?

exemple question 15
Explosives or other dangerous articles shall not be carried on board any aircraft Unless in compliance with transportation of dangerous goods act.

Except for ultra light aeroplanes and balloons which documents shall be carried on board when flying a radio equipped Canadian privately registered aircraft Items A B andA Flight Authority ?

exemple question 16
Except ultra light aeroplanes and balloons which documents shall be carried on board when flying a radio equipped canadian privately registered aircraft items a b anda flight authority certificate of airworthiness or flight permit b certificate of registration c technical records d crew licences e aircraft flight manual or equivalent document f type certificate g aircraft journey log book where it not planned that aircraft will land and shutdown at any location other than point of departure h proof of liability insurance Unless in compliance with transportation of dangerous goods act.

exemple question 17
Every person who the holder of any pilot licence or permit shall on demand produce such licence or permit inspection persons authorized the minister peace officers and Immigration officers.

exemple question 21
Any person holding a licence permit or certificate issued under authority of cars shall produce such document inspection upon demand by A peace officer or immigration officer.

exemple question 22
It forbidden to a canadian aviation document A peace officer or immigration officer.

exemple question 23
The primary difference between an airport and aerodrome that An airport has an airport certificate in force.

Would regulations be violated if a pilot voluntarily landed an aircraft in bright moonlight at an aerodrome where length of landing area was indicated a single row of white lights Yes car aerodrome minimum lighting would have been violated.

The daytime closed markings any part of manoeuvring area of an airport a Yes car aerodrome minimum lighting would have been violated.

At controlled airports taxiway markings in diagrams a and b indicate that aircraft must stop before crossing 13 From solid line side unless otherwise cleared atc.

No person shall walk drive or park a vehicle on any part of an uncontrolled aerodrome used the movement of aircraft except in accordance with permission given by The operator of aerodrome.

Any person holding a licence permit or certificate issued under authority of cars shall produce such document inspection upon demand by A peace officer or immigration officer.

If your private pilot licence endorsed night flying you may carry passengers at night provided you have completed at least take offs and landings night in same category and class of aircraft during months immediately preceding flight A peace officer or immigration officer.

Applicants the pilot permit ultra light aeroplane shall be at least years old A peace officer or immigration officer.

Applicants the pilot permit recreational aeroplane shall be at least years old A peace officer or immigration officer.

Applicants the private pilot permit shall be at least years old A peace officer or immigration officer.

The canadian medical certificate of a private pilot 40 years old and over valid in canada a period of A peace officer or immigration officer.

The canadian medical certificate of a private pilot under 40 years of age valid in canada a period of A peace officer or immigration officer.

Unless otherwise specified a control zone is Controlled airspace around an aerodrome that extends vertically from surface to 3 feet agl.

A control zone normally controlled airspace extending upwards from The surface of earth to 3 feet.

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