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Which word or phrase shall be used if you want to say 'I must pause for a few seconds or minutes Please wait and I will call you' ? Study > DJI

exemple question 12

Which phrase shall be used if the repetition of an entire message is required ?

exemple question 13
Which phrase shall be used if repetition of an entire is required

Which word or phrase shall be used if you want to say Repeat all or the specified part of this message back to me exactly as received' ?

exemple question 14
Which word or phrase shall be used if you want to say repeat all or specified part of this back to me exactly as receive

exemple question 15
What does phrase 'break break' mean It indicates separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a very busy environment.

exemple question 16
What does phrase 'read back' mean Repeat all or specified part of this back to me exactly as received.

exemple question 17
Which word or phrase shall be used if you want to say 'my transmission ended and i expect a response from you' Repeat all or specified part of this back to me exactly as received.

exemple question 21
Which of these statements best describes meaning of phrase 'standby' Wait i will call you.

During transmission of numbers containing a decimal point The term decimal must always be transmitted.

My will be more effective and understandable if i Maintain speaking volume at a constant level.

Select air traffic service in charge of control of local traffic take offs and landings at an airport Maintain speaking volume at a constant level.

Which abbreviation used 'co ordinated universal time' Maintain speaking volume at a constant level.

Which word or phrase shall be used if you want to say 'conversation ended and no response expecte Maintain speaking volume at a constant level.

If aircraft's heading 270° when atc states 'traffic 9 o'clock 5 miles eastboun traffic would be 9 ° to left altitude unknown.

When you are in contact with an air traffic service unit you send a distress on The frequency of this atc unit.

When you are not in contact with an air traffic service unit you send a distress on The aeronautical emergency frequency 2 5 mhz.

The first transmission of a mayday should be made on The frequency presently in use.

A distress call should preferably be made on The air ground frequency in use at time.

The distress shall contain as many as possible of following elements/details Aircraft call sign nature of distress pilot's intention present position level heading.

What action should be taken the aircraft station first receiving a distress Immediately acknowledge distress message.

The that has absolute priority over all other transmissions Immediately acknowledge distress message.

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