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Autopilots The Return to Home RTH function usually provides at least 3 modes 1 return to starting point 2 climb to 100m 3 immediate landing 4 hover 5 descent to 5 m ? Revision > professional


Autopilots The autopilot is primarily intended ?

Autopilots the autopilot primarily intended To save time energy the pilot.

Several elements are frequently redundant on a drone but one of the following elements is usually not Which one ?

Several elements are frequently redundant on a drone but one of following elements usually not which one To save time energy the pilot.

Ground control station from following items one that will not be useful a functional ground control station A backup remote control.

On a multi rotor drone inertial measurement unit imu particularly vulnerable to A backup remote control.

What the disadvantage of lithium batteries They present a risk of bursting in event of overload.

An autopilot system operates on principle of For every action there an equal opposite reaction.

A battery that has been damaged while being transported or in a crash Should be carefully discharged disposed of as soon as possible.

Inertial measurement unit imu in an inertial measurement unit imu accelerations are measured in relation to Aircraft axis (pitch roll yaw axis).

Inertial measurement unit imu accelerometers measure Linear accelerations.

Inertial measurement unit imu an inertial measurement unit imu includes Accelerometers gyroscopes.

Above what altitude must all crew members use supplemental oxygen when operating a small remotely piloted aircraft There no requirement to use oxygen when operating an rpa.

After taking medication sleep disorders and/or nervousness a drone pilot intending to perform a flight must pay attention To effect they have on reaction time on faculties of perception.

During an aerial photography work airborne imagery your customer wants additional unprepared views your decision I finish first flight as planned i land will plan new flight.

During winter 'empty field myopia' empty sky myopia a phenomenon which emphasized The sun in front of pilot causes details the relief of visual field to be lost.

No pilot shall operate a drone If he not fit to perform this function.

How many phases does sleep involve including paradoxical sleep If he not fit to perform this function.

How long after a scuba diving who require decompression stops on way to surface it safe to operate a drone If he not fit to perform this function.

With respect to accumulated fatigue Even when performing an easy flight with your drone it can reach an unacceptable level.

Which of following statements correct regarding decision making Deciding means choosing between alternatives.

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