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Division III General operating and flight rules 901 17 Right of way When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same altitude the aircraft that has the other on its right ? Preparation > drone

When two remotely piloted aircraft are converging on approximately same level aircraft which has other on its right must give way right of way 901 17 a pilot of a remotely piloted aircraft shall give way to power driven heavier than air aircraft airships gliders balloons at all times.

Division III General operating and flight rules 901 18 Avoidance of collision Pilots are responsible for taking action as necessary to avoid a collision ?

Division iii general operating and flight rules 901 18 avoidance of collision pilots are responsible taking action as necessary to avoid a collision When two remotely piloted aircraft are converging on approximately same level aircraft which has other on its right must give way right of way 901 17 a pilot of a remotely piloted aircraft shall give way to power driven heavier than air aircraft airships gliders balloons at all times.

Division III General operating and flight rules 901 19 No person shall act as a crew member of a remotely piloted aircraft system if the person ?

Division iii general operating and flight rules 901 19 no person shall act as a crew member of a remotely piloted aircraft system if person Is suffering or likely to suffer from fatigue. Fitness of crew members 901 19 (1) no person shall act as a crew member of a remotely piloted aircraft system if person (a) suffering or likely to suffer from fatigue or (b) otherwise unfit to perform properly person's duties (2) no person shall act as a crew member of a remotely piloted aircraft system (a) within 12 hours after consuming an alcoholic beverage (b) while under influence of alcohol or (c) while using any drug that impairs person's faculties to extent that aviation safety or safety of any person endangered or likely to be endangered.

Division iii general operating and flight rules 901 25 maximum altitude in uncontrolled airspace maximum altitude 4 feet agl (above ground level). Maximum altitude 901 25 (1) subject to subsection (2) no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft at an altitude greater than (a) 400 feet (122 m) agl or (b) 100 feet (30 m) above any building or structure if aircraft being operated at a distance of less than 200 feet (61 m) measured horizontally from building or structure (2) a pilot may operate a remotely piloted aircraft at an altitude greater than those set out in subsection (1) if operation conducted in accordance with a special flight operations certificate rpas.

Division iii general operating and flight rules 901 25 maximum altitude unless if operation conducted in accordance with a 'special flight operations certificate rpa no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft above ground level agl at an altitude greater than 4 feet agl (above ground level). Maximum altitude 901 25 (1) subject to subsection (2) no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft at an altitude greater than (a) 400 feet (122 m) agl or (b) 100 feet (30 m) above any building or structure if aircraft being operated at a distance of less than 200 feet (61 m) measured horizontally from building or structure (2) a pilot may operate a remotely piloted aircraft at an altitude greater than those set out in subsection (1) if operation conducted in accordance with a special flight operations certificate rpas.

Division iii general operating and flight rules 901 48 records every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system shall preserve a record about aircraft during 4 feet agl (above ground level). Records 901 48 (1) every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system shall keep following records (a) a record containing names of pilots other crew members who are involved in each flight and in respect of system time of each flight or series of flights (b) a record containing particulars of any mandatory action any other maintenance action modification or repair performed on system including (i) names of persons who performed them (ii) dates they were undertaken (iii) in case of a modification manufacturer model a description of part or equipment installed to modify system (iv) if applicable any instructions provided to complete work (2) every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system shall ensure that records referred to in subsection (1) are made available to minister on request are retained a period of (a) in case of records referred to in paragraph (1)(a) 12 months after day on which they are created (b) in case of records referred to in paragraph (1)(b) 24 months after day on which they are created (3) every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system who transfers ownership of system to another person shall at time of transfer also deliver to that person all of records referred to in paragraph (1)(b).

Division iii general operating and flight rules 901 48 records every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system shall preserve a record containing names of pilots and other crew members who are involved in each flight and in respect of system time of each flight or series of flights during 4 feet agl (above ground level). Records 901 48 (1) every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system shall keep following records (a) a record containing names of pilots other crew members who are involved in each flight and in respect of system time of each flight or series of flights (b) a record containing particulars of any mandatory action any other maintenance action modification or repair performed on system including (i) names of persons who performed them (ii) dates they were undertaken (iii) in case of a modification manufacturer model a description of part or equipment installed to modify system (iv) if applicable any instructions provided to complete work (2) every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system shall ensure that records referred to in subsection (1) are made available to minister on request are retained a period of (a) in case of records referred to in paragraph (1)(a) 12 months after day on which they are created (b) in case of records referred to in paragraph (1)(b) 24 months after day on which they are created (3) every owner of a remotely piloted aircraft system who transfers ownership of system to another person shall at time of transfer also deliver to that person all of records referred to in paragraph (1)(b).

Division iii general operating and flight rules it forbidden to fly your drone without having immediately available to crew members at their duty station Remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual. 901 30 availability of remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual no pilot shall conduct take off or launch of a remotely piloted aircraft which manufacturer has provided a remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual unless manual immediately available to crew members at their duty stations.

Division iii general operating and flight rules for night flight you must possess A basic or advanced pilot certificate the drone must be equipped with position lights. 901 39 night flight requirements 1) no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system during night unless remotely piloted aircraft equipped with position lights sufficient to allow aircraft to be visible to pilot any visual observer whether with or without night vision goggles those lights are turned on 2) no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system using night vision goggles unless goggles are capable of or person has another means of detecting all light within visual spectrum.

Division iii general operating and flight rules a visual observer who does not have a reliable communication system with pilot can only exercise his duties when aircraft flying Inside or underground. The canadian aviation regulations do not apply in respect of remotely piloted aircraft that are operated indoors or underground 901 20 visual observers (1) no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system if visual observers are used to assist pilot in provision of detect avoid functions unless reliable timely communication maintained between pilot each visual observer during operation (2) a visual observer shall communicate information to pilot in a timely manner during operation whenever visual observer detects conflicting air traffic hazards to aviation safety or hazards to persons on surface (3) no visual observer shall perform visual observer duties more than one remotely piloted aircraft at a time unless aircraft are operated in accordance with subsection 901 40(1) or in accordance with a special flight operations certificate rpas issued under section 903 03 (4) no visual observer shall perform visual observer duties while operating a moving vehicle vessel or aircraft.

Division iii general operating and flight rules can a pilot uses his rpas from a moving vehicle she/he operating Inside or underground. Canadian aviation regulations (cars) part ix prohibition operation of moving vehicles vessels manned aircraft 901 37 no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft while operating a moving vehicle vessel or manned aircraft so you can use a drone from a moving vehicle provided that someone drives vehicle you.

Division iv basic operations no person shall fly a small remotely piloted aircraft in canada unless A valid drone pilot certificate only fly drones that are marked registered. Canadian aviation regulations (cars) part ix prohibition operation of moving vehicles vessels manned aircraft 901 37 no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft while operating a moving vehicle vessel or manned aircraft so you can use a drone from a moving vehicle provided that someone drives vehicle you.

Division iv basic operations in canada minimum age to operate a remotely piloted aircraft system basic operations A valid drone pilot certificate only fly drones that are marked registered. Basic operations = at least 14 years of age advanced operations = at least 16 years of age.

Division iv basic operations to conduct basic operations you must pass The small basic exam. To conduct basic operations you must pass small basic exam this the only knowledge requirement basic operations to conduct advanced operations you must pass small advanced exam an in person flight review flight reviews are conducted flight reviewers affiliated with drone flight schools.

Division v advanced operations 901 72 compliance with air traffic control instructions an air traffic control 'instruction' Requires compliance when received. To conduct basic operations you must pass small basic exam this the only knowledge requirement basic operations to conduct advanced operations you must pass small advanced exam an in person flight review flight reviews are conducted flight reviewers affiliated with drone flight schools.

Division v advanced operations in canada minimum age to operate a remotely piloted aircraft system advanced operations Requires compliance when received. Basic operations = at least 14 years of age advanced operations = at least 16 years of age.

Division v advanced operations to overfly an urban area pilot of a drone in advanced operations should Have a drone whose manufacturer has provided a rpas safety assurance declaration to transport canada. An rpas which a manufacturer makes no declaration cannot be used to conduct advanced operations referred to in section 901 69 of cars car's 901 69 manufacturer declaration permitted operations no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this division to conduct any of following operations unless a declaration under section 901 76 has been made in respect of that model of system the certificate of registration issued in respect of aircraft specifies operations which declaration was made (a) operations in controlled airspace (b) operations at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16 4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in operation measured horizontally at any altitude or (c) operations at a distance of less than 16 4 feet (5 m) from another person measured horizontally at any altitude standard 922 rpas safety assurance.

According to migratory birds it prohibited in a vehicle https //laws lois justice gc ca/eng/regulations/c r c 2c_c _1035/fulltext html Regulations to hunt. For more informations migratory birds regulations.

Air traffic services and procedures what does acronym atf stand Aerodrome traffic frequency. Aerodrome traffic frequency an atf normally designated active uncontrolled aerodromes that do not meet criteria an mf (mandatory frequency) the atf established to ensure that all radio equipped aircraft operating on ground or within area are listening on a common frequency following common reporting procedures the atf will normally be frequency of unicom where one exists or 123 2 mhz where a unicom does not exist the designation of an atf not limited to aerodromes only an atf may also be designated use in certain areas other than area immediately surrounding an aerodrome where vfr traffic activity high there a safety benefit to ensuring that all traffic monitor same frequency for example an atf area could be established along a frequently flown corridor between two uncontrolled aerodromes.

Air traffic services and procedures nav canada offers via its web site awws aviation weather web site informations pilots such as Metar taf notam atis. Aerodrome traffic frequency an atf normally designated active uncontrolled aerodromes that do not meet criteria an mf (mandatory frequency) the atf established to ensure that all radio equipped aircraft operating on ground or within area are listening on a common frequency following common reporting procedures the atf will normally be frequency of unicom where one exists or 123 2 mhz where a unicom does not exist the designation of an atf not limited to aerodromes only an atf may also be designated use in certain areas other than area immediately surrounding an aerodrome where vfr traffic activity high there a safety benefit to ensuring that all traffic monitor same frequency for example an atf area could be established along a frequently flown corridor between two uncontrolled aerodromes.

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