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Drone pilot licensing Canada

Aviation regulations for the private student pilot permit - TP 11919

Applicants for the Student Pilot Permit, except for gliders and ultra-light aeroplanes, must pass a Transport Canada written examination on Canadian Aviation Regulations and Air Traffic Control procedures. In addition, foreign applicants and members of the military who want a Canadian civilian pilot's license must also pass this exam.

The exam is called Aviation Regulations for the Student Pilot Permit or for foreign and military applicants for the Private Pilot License, the exam code is PSTAR.

PSTAR checks knowledge in the following subjects:

- Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
- Air traffic control clearances and instructions
- Air traffic control procedures as they relate to traffic control
- VFR at controlled aerodromes
- Air traffic procedures at airports and uncontrolled aerodromes.
- Special VFR Regulations
- Aeronautical Information Circulars

Certain flight training units will be authorized by Transport Canada to develop and administer the PSTAR for student pilot permit applicants and foreign and military applicants for a private pilot license. You can also take the PSTAR exam at a Regional Transport Canada office.

PSTAR consists of 50 questions. The pass mark is 90% and candidates who pass the exam will be explained all their errors either in person at the flight training unit or by letter when the exam is taken at a Transport Canada department. In the interest of flight safety it is important to review your weak points.

Questions included on this site may be used in other Transport Canada exams.

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