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Normally a helicopter in uncontrolled airspace at less than feet AGL may operate during the day in flight visibility which is not less than ? Diploma > security

exemple question 6

What distance from cloud shall an aircraft maintain when flying below feet AGL within uncontrolled airspace ?

exemple question 7
What distance from cloud shall an aircraft maintain when flying below feet agl within uncontrolled airspace

No person shall drop anything from an aircraft in flight ?

exemple question 8
No person shall drop anything from an aircraft in flight Which will create a hazard to persons or property.

exemple question 9
A person may conduct aerobatic manoeuvres in an aircraft Within class f advisory airspace when visibility 3 miles or greater.

exemple question 10
Cars state that after consumption of any alcoholic beverage no person shall act as a crew member of an aircraft within Within class f advisory airspace when visibility 3 miles or greater.

exemple question 11
'day' in canada that period of time between The beginning of morning civil twilight the end of evening civil twilight.

exemple question 12
The 'night' in canada that period of time between The end of evening civil twilight the beginning of morning civil twilight.

Formation flying permitted only if such flights Have been pre arranged the pilots in command.

Flight through active class f airspace with designator cyr Is permitted only in accordance with permission issued the user agency.

Which statement correct with regard to ' advisory airspace ' Non participating vfr aircraft are encouraged to avoid flight in advisory airspace during active periods specified on aeronautical charts notam.

Except as provided cars unless taking off landing or attempting to land no person shall fly a helicopter over a built up area or open air assembly of persons except at an altitude that will permit in event of an emergency landing of aircraft without creating a hazard to persons or property on surface and such altitude shall not be less than above highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of from aircraft Non participating vfr aircraft are encouraged to avoid flight in advisory airspace during active periods specified on aeronautical charts notam.

Over non populous areas or over open water a pilot must maintain a minimum distance of from any person vessel vehicle or structure Non participating vfr aircraft are encouraged to avoid flight in advisory airspace during active periods specified on aeronautical charts notam.

Except balloons and as provided cars no person shall cause any aircraft to take off or attempt to take off from land on or attempt to land on any surface within built up area of any city or town unless That surface an airport or military aerodrome.

What the height agl above which an aircraft in vfr flight shall be operated to conform with cruising altitudes order That surface an airport or military aerodrome.

An aircraft cruising vfr in level flight above feet agl on a track of 290°m shall be flown at an Even thousand plus 5 foot altitude.

The selection of a cruising altitude in southern domestic airspace should be based on the Even thousand plus 5 foot altitude.

Every person who the holder of any pilot licence or permit shall on demand produce such licence or permit inspection persons authorized the minister peace officers and Immigration officers.

Low level airspace defined as all airspace Within canadian domestic airspace below 8 feet asl.

A control zone normally controlled airspace extending upwards from The surface of earth to 3 feet.

A 'controlled airspace' means all airspace of defined dimensions within which An atc service provided.

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