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Alcohol when taken simultaneously with drugs may ? Validating > assignment

exemple question 102
Intensify effects of drugs.

Analysis of accidents involving the human factor in aviation shows that ?

exemple question 103
Analysis of accidents involving human factor in aviation shows that There hardly ever a single cause responsible.

Stress effect ?

exemple question 104
Stress effect Differs from one pilot to another each person has a their own management mode of stressors he encounters.

exemple question 105
Experience may lead to An excess of confidence.

exemple question 106
Skill the ability to successfully perform a task After training pratice.

exemple question 107
The most dangerous characteristic of an erroneous mental perception that it Is frequently extremely resistant to correction.

exemple question 108
Workload essentially depends on The current situation expertise of pilot the ergonomics of cockpit.

Drinking alcohol 1 increases judgment2 reduces vision under strong light3 increases self confidence4 increases error rate The current situation expertise of pilot the ergonomics of cockpit.

Fatigue 1 increases reaction time2 leads to errors due to inattention3 not workload related4 accumulates over timethe combinaison of correct statement The current situation expertise of pilot the ergonomics of cockpit.

Fatigue May decrease performance.

The best prevention against stress during a flight for you to Stay in a situation that you familiar with within limits of your savoir faire.

Performance Can be improved under moderate stress.

Accidents are mainly caused lack of Can be improved under moderate stress.

Concerning effects of drugs on pilot's performance The primary the side effects have to be considered.

Central vision Enables details is sensitive to colors.

Peripheral vision Is sensitive to movement changes in brightness.

Which of following statements true Stressors accumulate thus increasing likelihood of exhaustion.

The human eye has both horizontal and vertical field of view fov of approximately Stressors accumulate thus increasing likelihood of exhaustion.

The human circadian rhythm based on a cycle of about Stressors accumulate thus increasing likelihood of exhaustion.

Colour blindness Color blindness can be subtle detectable only using specific tests.

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