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A helicopter in forward flight produces hazardous vortices ? Certificate > convenient

exemple question 80
Similar to wing tip vortices.

Which statement concerning vortices caused by helicopters is correct ?

exemple question 81
Which statement concerning vortices caused helicopters correct The size of helicopter has little bearing on intensity of vortices.

What effect would a light cross wind have on the wing tip vortices generated by a large aeroplane that had just taken off A light cross wind ?

exemple question 82
What effect would a light cross wind have on wing tip vortices generated a large aeroplane that had just taken off a light cross wind Could cause one vortex to remain over runway some time.

exemple question 83
Atc advises that simultaneous operations are in progress at an airport pilots could expect a clearance to Land hold short of an intersecting runway.

exemple question 84
When issued a clearance to land and hold short of an intersecting runway pilots Should immediately inform atc if they are unable to comply.

exemple question 85
Which statement true with regard to aircraft converging at approximately same altitude An aircraft towing objects has right of way over all power driven heavier than air aircraft.

exemple question 86
When two aircraft are converging at approximately same altitude The aircraft that has other on its right shall give way.

When two aircraft are converging at approximately same altitude which statement applies Power driven heavier than air aircraft shall give way to gliders.

When two aircraft are converging at approximately same altitude which statement applies Helicopters shall give way to gliders.

When two aircraft are converging at approximately same altitude which statement applies Gliders shall give way to balloons.

When converging at approximately same altitude Aeroplanes towing gliders shall give way to balloons.

When two power driven heavier than air aircraft are converging at approximately same altitude The one on right has right of way.

When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so and there danger of collision each pilot shall Alter heading to right.

When overtaking an aircraft at your 12 o'clock position at your altitude you should Alter heading to right.

Two aircraft are on approach to land aircraft at higher altitude shall Alter heading to right.

A series of green flashes directed at an aircraft in flight means respectively Alter heading to right.

A steady red light directed at an aircraft in flight means Give way to other aircraft continue circling.

A series of red flashes directed at an aircraft in flight means respectively Airport unsafe do not land.

A steady green light directed at an aircraft in flight means respectively Airport unsafe do not land.

A series of green flashes directed at an aircraft on ground means respectively Airport unsafe do not land.

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