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Which statement is correct with regard to 'advisory airspace' ? Course > convenient

exemple question 71
Non participating vfr aircraft are encouraged to avoid flight in advisory airspace during active periods specified on aeronautical charts notam.

VFR flight within Class B airspace is permitted ?

exemple question 72
Vfr flight within class b airspace permitted In accordance with an atc clearance.

VFR cross country pilots wishing to cross through any part of a Class C Control Zone should ?

exemple question 73
Vfr cross country pilots wishing to cross through any part of a class c control zone should Advise atc of their intentions obtain a clearance.

exemple question 74
The pilot of an arriving vfr flight shall make initial radio contact with a control tower in class c airspace Prior to entering control zone.

exemple question 75
Unless otherwise authorized a pilot on a vfr flight operating within a class c terminal control area must Establish maintain radio communication with appropriate atc unit.

exemple question 76
Airspace classified as class c becomes class airspace when relevant atc unit not in service Establish maintain radio communication with appropriate atc unit.

exemple question 77
Outside hours of operation of atc unit class d airspace Becomes class e airspace.

No person shall fly or attempt to act as a flight crew member of an aircraft if that person Is suffering or likely to suffer from fatigue.

A flight crew member aware of being under a physical disability that might invalidate licence issue or renewal shall Not commence a flight as a crew member.

No person shall fly or attempt to fly as a flight crew member of an aircraft if that person Is aware of being under any physical disability that might render that person unable to meet requirements the issue or renewal of their licence or permit.

Cars state that after consumption of any alcoholic beverage no person shall act as a crew member of an aircraft within Is aware of being under any physical disability that might render that person unable to meet requirements the issue or renewal of their licence or permit.

Following use of alcohol or drugs no person shall act as a flight crew member Is aware of being under any physical disability that might render that person unable to meet requirements the issue or renewal of their licence or permit.

When an aircraft engine left running on ground and no person remains onboard aircraft's movement must be restricted and It must not be left unattended.

Except as provided cars unless taking off landing or attempting to land no person shall fly a helicopter over a built up area or open air assembly of persons except at an altitude that will permit in event of an emergency landing of aircraft without creating a hazard to persons or property on surface and such altitude shall not be less than above highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of from aircraft It must not be left unattended.

Over non populous areas or over open water a pilot must maintain a minimum distance of from any person vessel vehicle or structure It must not be left unattended.

Except balloons and as provided cars no person shall cause any aircraft to take off or attempt to take off from land on or attempt to land on any surface within built up area of any city or town unless That surface an airport or military aerodrome.

Unless conducting a take off approach or landing no person shall fly an aeroplane over a built up area unless aeroplane operated at an altitude that not lower than above highest obstacle within a radius of from aircraft That surface an airport or military aerodrome.

When two aircraft are converging at approximately same altitude aircraft that has other on its right shall give way except that Power driven heavier than air aircraft shall give way to airships gliders balloons.

When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so and there danger of collision each pilot shall Alter heading to right.

Pilots are responsible taking action as necessary to avoid a collision Alter heading to right.

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