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An aircraft is 'cleared to the circuit' where a left hand circuit is in effect Without further approval from ATC a right turn may be made to ? Patent > landing

exemple question 2
Join cross wind or a partial right turn to join downwind leg.

When instructed to continue an approach to a runway which is clear of traffic what action should the pilot take if no landing clearance is received ?

exemple question 3
When instructed to continue an approach to a runway which clear of traffic what action should pilot take if no landing clearance received Request landing clearance.

A NOTAM has been published for an airport which is feet ASL stating the circuit height is feet ASL When the ceiling is overcast and the visibility is 3 miles the circuit height in controlled airspace ?

exemple question 4
A notam has been published an airport which feet asl stating circuit height feet asl when ceiling overcast and visibility 3 miles circuit height in controlled airspace should be 5 feet below cloud base.

exemple question 5
When reported ceiling feet overcast and visibility 3 miles to remain vfr an aircraft cleared to circuit must join At 5 feet below cloud base.

exemple question 6
Aircraft flying vfr normally join circuit at 1 000 feet aae this may not always be possible because of The existence of any of above circumstances.

exemple question 7
A pilot on final approach requested atc to reduce airspeed the pilot should Comply giving due consideration to safe minimum manoeuvring speed of aircraft.

exemple question 8
A pilot cleared to land but concerned about high cross wind component the pilot should Overshoot request an into wind runway.

A pilot on a vfr flight being vectored atc towards an extensive unbroken layer of cloud the responsibility remaining vfr rests with Overshoot request an into wind runway.

A student pilot on a vfr flight has been given a radar vector atc ahead at a lower altitude a solid overcast cloud condition the pilot should Alter heading as necessary to remain vfr advise atc.

An aircraft on a special vfr flight has been cleared a ' straight in ' approach because of low ceiling and poor visibility pilot concerned about exact location of a radio mast in vicinity avoiding this obstruction the responsibility Alter heading as necessary to remain vfr advise atc.

A pilot on a special vfr flight has been cleared to circuit ahead at a lower altitude a solid layer of stratus cloud remaining clear of cloud the responsibility of Alter heading as necessary to remain vfr advise atc.

A pilot on a vfr flight in class c airspace advised atc to maintain a specific heading in pilot's opinion this heading will cause conflict with another aircraft the pilot should Alter heading to avoid other aircraft advise atc.

Unless atc instructs otherwise pilots operating vfr shall select transponder code when flying at or below feet asl and code when flying above that altitude Alter heading to avoid other aircraft advise atc.

Pilots shall activate transponder 'ident' feature Only when so instructed atc.

The holder of a student pilot permit may the sole purpose of holder's own flight training act as pic of an aircraft By day only authorized a supervising flight instructor.

The pic of an aircraft shall comply with any light signals or ground marking prescribed in cars At all times provided safety not jeopardized.

Before setting out on any vfr flight a pilot required to Be familiar with all available information appropriate to flight.

Terminal airspace dimensions and vhf sector frequencies certain high density traffic airports in canada are shown Be familiar with all available information appropriate to flight.

Avoiding wake turbulence is The sole responsibility of pilot.

Hazardous wake turbulence caused aircraft in still air May persist 5 minutes or more.

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