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Which of the following cloud types is a medium level cloud ? Regulations > RPAS

exemple question 41

Which of the following cloud is classified as low level cloud ?

exemple question 42
Which of following cloud classified as low level cloud

Clouds classified as being low level are considered to have bases from ?

exemple question 43
Clouds classified as being low level are considered to have bases from The surface to 65 ft.

exemple question 44
Clouds classified as being medium level are considered to have bases from The surface to 65 ft.

exemple question 45
Clouds classified as being high level are considered to have bases from 8 ft to 36 ft.

exemple question 46
The storm characterized the presence of 8 ft to 36 ft.

exemple question 47
Which of these clouds has a considerable vertical development 8 ft to 36 ft.

An altocumulus a cloud Classified as 'medium level cloud.

In summer a warm day presence of large cumulus clouds at end of morning announces A risk of thunderstorm.

The stratus clouds are Dangerous due to low height of their base.

A 'stratu A stable cloud with horizontal extent.

In troposphere medium level clouds in temperate regions are located between A stable cloud with horizontal extent.

The main reason the formation of clouds in atmosphere A lifting of a set of moist air particles.

The prefix clouds with highest base A lifting of a set of moist air particles.

The order of magnitude of vertical extent of cumulonimbus clouds A lifting of a set of moist air particles.

Clouds form when moist warm air overruns cold air because warm air Cools as a result of expansion as it rises.

The conditions required the formation of thunderstorms are Unstable air high humidity a lifting force.

Air masses that are being cooled from below are characterized Fog poor visibility layer cloud.

Thunder and lightning are associated with clouds Fog poor visibility layer cloud.

Identify type of clouds that will signal a strong possibility that air unstable Fog poor visibility layer cloud.

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