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Frost is formed through a process known as ? Course > HVAC

exemple question 40
Night time evaporation.

Which of the following phenomena usually leads to cloud formation ?

exemple question 41
Which of following phenomena usually leads to cloud formation Cooling of a humid air mass.

One of the cloud groups has only unstable clouds ?

exemple question 42
One of cloud groups has only unstable clouds Cooling of a humid air mass.

exemple question 43
The main reason the formation of clouds in atmosphere A lifting of a set of moist air particles.

exemple question 44
Clouds characterized an unstable air mass are Cumulonimbus cumulus stratocumulus.

exemple question 45
Cirrus cirrostratus altostratus and stratus are all Cumulonimbus cumulus stratocumulus.

exemple question 46
The storm characteristic of Cumulonimbus cumulus stratocumulus.

Which cloud type may indicate presence of severe turbulence Altocumulus lenticularis.

A 'stratu A uniform gray cloud with base often located near ground is blurred mist or fog.

Cirrus are clouds Of upper level (+ 6 meters).

The main cause of cloud formation The cooling of a moist air mass.

A thin hazy high altitude cloud composed of ice crystals often covering sky in sheets and producing a halo effect around s is The cooling of a moist air mass.

Flying through clouds may All answers are correct.

The cloud in picture a All answers are correct.

The cloud in picture a All answers are correct.

The cloud in picture a All answers are correct.

The cloud in picture a All answers are correct.

The cloud in picture a All answers are correct.

The cloud in picture a All answers are correct.

Which of following cloud types found at high levels All answers are correct.

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