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ATC advises that your radio transmissions are READABILITY THREE this means that your transmissions are ? Candidate > Canadian

exemple question 26
Readable with difficulty.

An arriving VFR flight shall make initial radio contact with the control tower ?

exemple question 27
An arriving vfr flight shall make initial radio contact with control tower Prior to entering a control zone.

An aircraft on a Special VFR flight has been cleared for a 'straight in' approach Because of low ceiling and poor visibility the pilot is concerned about the exact location of a radio mast in the ?

exemple question 28
An aircraft on a special vfr flight has been cleared a 'straight in' approach because of low ceiling and poor visibility pilot concerned about exact location of a radio mast in vicinity avoiding this obstruction the responsibility Prior to entering a control zone.

exemple question 29
A pilot on a special vfr flight has been cleared to circuit ahead at a lower altitude a solid layer of stratus cloud remaining clear of cloud the responsibility of Prior to entering a control zone.

exemple question 30
A pilot on a vfr flight in class c airspace advised atc to maintain a specific heading in pilot's opinion this heading will cause conflict with another aircraft the pilot should Alter heading to avoid other aircraft advise atc.

exemple question 31
An atc instruction Must be complied with when received the pilot providing safety of aircraft not jeopardized.

exemple question 32
An atc clearance Requires compliance when accepted the pic.

A pilot after accepting a clearance and subsequently finding that all or part of clearance cannot be complied with should Comply as best as possible under circumstances advise atc as soon as possible.

After accepting a clearance and subsequently finding that it cannot be complied with a pilot should Take any immediate action required advise atc as soon as possible.

An atc clearance or instruction predicated on known traffic only therefore when a pilot proceeding in accordance with a clearance or instruction The pilot not relieved of responsibility traffic avoidance.

If all or part of an atc clearance unacceptable a pilot should Refuse clearance inform atc of their intentions.

Avoiding wake turbulence is The sole responsibility of pilot.

Hazardous wake turbulence caused aircraft in still air May persist 5 minutes or more.

Which response most correct with respect to wake turbulence All of above are correct.

The wing tip vortices generated a heavy aeroplane can cause a lighter aircraft encountering them to Experience any of above situations.

During two minutes after passage of a heavy aeroplane in cruising flight hazardous wing tip vortices will Dissipate very slowly.

The pilot of a light aircraft on final approach close behind a heavier aircraft should plan approach to land Beyond touchdown point of other aircraft.

With regard to a flight itinerary responsible person means someone who Has agreed to report aircraft overdue.

Wake turbulence produced by All fixed rotary wing aircraft.

Wake turbulence caused a departing large aeroplane begins All fixed rotary wing aircraft.

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