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When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same altitude the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way except that ? Test > operation

exemple question 16
Power driven heavier than air aircraft shall give way to airships gliders balloons.

When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so and there is danger of collision each pilot shall ?

exemple question 17
When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so and there danger of collision each pilot shall Alter heading to right.

Pilots are responsible for taking action as necessary to avoid a collision ?

exemple question 21
Pilots are responsible taking action as necessary to avoid a collision Alter heading to right.

exemple question 22
When an aeroplane used to tow an object it must be equipped with a tow hook And a release control system.

exemple question 23
No person shall drop anything from an aircraft in flight Which will create a hazard to persons or property.

exemple question 24
Formation flying permitted only if such flights Have been pre arranged the pilots in command.

exemple question 25
A person may conduct aerobatic manoeuvres in an aircraft Within class f advisory airspace when visibility 3 miles or greater.

A person may conduct aerobatic manoeuvres in an aircraft Within class f advisory airspace when visibility 3 miles or greater.

An ultra light aeroplane may be operated within a control zone when atc unit not operating if permission has been received from the Within class f advisory airspace when visibility 3 miles or greater.

Basic ultra light aeroplanes shall be flown Clear of designated airways terminal control areas with visual reference to ground or water.

A pilot cleared to land but concerned about high cross wind component the pilot should Overshoot request an into wind runway.

The pic of an aircraft shall comply with any light signals or ground marking prescribed in cars At all times provided safety not jeopardized.

After accepting a clearance and subsequently finding that it cannot be complied with a pilot should Take any immediate action required advise atc as soon as possible.

In southern domestic airspace selection of a cruising altitude above 3 000 feet agl shall be based on the Take any immediate action required advise atc as soon as possible.

In northern domestic airspace selection of a cruising altitude above 3 000 feet agl shall be based on the Take any immediate action required advise atc as soon as possible.

What the height agl above which an aircraft in vfr flight shall be operated to conform with cruising altitudes order Take any immediate action required advise atc as soon as possible.

An aircraft cruising vfr in level flight above 3 000 feet agl on a track of 290°m shall be flown at an Even thousand plus 5 foot altitude.

The selection of a cruising altitude in southern domestic airspace should be based on the Even thousand plus 5 foot altitude.

When in vfr flight within altimeter setting region altimeter should be set to The current altimeter setting of nearest station along route of flight.

Taking into account seasonal climatic variations and geographical area private aeroplanes and helicopters flying vfr 25 nm or more from an aerodrome or operating base may require Specified emergency supplies be carried.

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