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Forces acting on an aircraft Drag acts ? Preparation > drone

Parallel to relative wind.

Forces acting on an aircraft For a fixed wing aircraft airplane or glider in order to maintain a level co ordinated turn compared with straight and level flight the lift must ?

Forces acting on an aircraft for a fixed wing aircraft airplane or glider in order to maintain a level co ordinated turn compared with straight and level flight lift must Be greater than in straight flight.

Forces acting on an aircraft For a fixed wing drone maintaining straight and level flight 1 the lift balances weight2 the lift balances drag3 the thrust balances drag4 the thrust balances weight ?

Forces acting on an aircraft for a fixed wing drone maintaining straight and level flight 1 lift balances weight2 lift balances drag3 thrust balances drag4 thrust balances weight Be greater than in straight flight.

Forces acting on an aircraft during a straight and steady flight Lift equal to weight.

Forces acting on an aircraft all other things being equal when altitude increases Lift equal to weight.

Forces acting on an aircraft all other things being equal when temperatures increases Lift equal to weight.

Propellers and rotors from hub to tip of a propeller blade angle of attack Lift equal to weight.

Propellers and rotors if one of my drone propeller broken or shows significant signs of wear I replace propeller one of same size pitch.

Propellers and rotors lift generated a blade depends on 1 airmass density2 relative wind speed3 blade area4 blade's angle of attack5 airfoil shape I replace propeller one of same size pitch.

Propellers and rotors the diameter of a propeller blade usually expressed in I replace propeller one of same size pitch.

Propellers and rotors the pitch of a propeller blade usually expressed in I replace propeller one of same size pitch.

Propellers and rotors the geometric pitch of a propeller the Distance a propeller blade element travelling in forward direction in one propeller revolution.

Propellers and rotors propeller efficiency may be defined as ratio between Power available / power required.

Propellers and rotors a propeller blade twisted so as to Equalize lift over entire length of blade.

The statement that best describes effect of center of gravity on aircraft stability A forward center of gravity increases natural stability of an aircraft.

Indicate how conventional multicopter controls its attitude The engines change their rotational speed (rpm) according to desired direction of flight.

The ground effect Reduces induced drag.

The laminar layer on a wing profile The thin smooth flow on extrados from leading edge to point of transition.

The turbulent layer on a wing profile The thick turbulent flow on extrados after point of transition.

The imaginary line joining leading and trailing edge of wing called The thick turbulent flow on extrados after point of transition.

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