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Air traffic control service is provided for the purpose of ? Correction > flight

exemple question 8
Preventing collisions between aircraft between aircraft obstacles on manoeuvring area expediting maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic.

An Air Traffic Service ATS unit established to provide selected flight services is ?

exemple question 9
An air traffic service ats unit established to provide selected flight services A flight service station.

Which of the following describes a controlled aerodrome ?

exemple question 10
Which of following describes a controlled aerodrome Provides control the benefit of air traffic.

exemple question 11
Which condition requested so that an aerodrome may be considered controlled The aerodrome shall be provided with a control tower.

exemple question 12
The order of priority of following messages in aeronautical mobile service Flight safety message meteorological message flight regularity message.

exemple question 13
The addressed to an area control center 'request radar vectors to circumnavigate adverse weather' A flight safety message.

exemple question 14
A concerning aircraft parts and material urgently required A flight regularity message.

The order of priority of following messages in aeronautical mobile service Distress message urgency message direction finding message.

The priority of instruction 'taxi to runway 05' Same as 'line up runway 7 wait'.

The priority of pilot's 'request qdm' Greater than 'turn left heading '.

Which of following statements correct The urgency communications have priority over all other communications except distress.

Any person who violates regulations relative to unauthorized communications profane or obscene language liable To a fine or to imprisonment or to both.

No person shall knowingly send transmit or cause to be sent or transmitted any false or fraudulent distress signal call or radiogram of any kind penalties this offence can include A fine or to imprisonment or to both.

Any person who violates privacy of communications liable To a fine or to imprisonment or to both.

The operation of an aircraft station under control of The pilot or another person in charge of station.

The to an aeronautical ground station 'please call a taxi cab us we will arrive at 1045' An unauthorized message.

The clearance 'cleared immediate take off runway 03' A flight safety message.

Which of messages listed below shall not be handled the aeronautical mobile service Radio teletype messages.

Air traffic control messages clearances instructions etc belong to category of Flight safety messages.

Flight safety messages are Air traffic control messages.

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