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Which of the following statements concerning communication is valid ? Exam > equipment

Professional communication means using a restricted specific language that tailored to minimise misunderstandings.

Which of the following applies when alcohol has been consumed ?

Which of following applies when alcohol has been consumed Even after consumption of small amounts of alcohol normal cautionary attitudes may be lost.

Which of the following statements concerning conflicts is correct ?

Which of following statements concerning conflicts correct Conflict management involves participation of all involved parties in finding an acceptable collective solution.

Which of following physical stimuli may cause stress reactions 1 noise2 conflict3 temperature4 an istrative problem5 hungerthe combination of correct statements Conflict management involves participation of all involved parties in finding an acceptable collective solution.

During flight of your rpas remotely piloted aircraft systems a good decision Is a choice between different options that can be considered in time constraint adapted to situation.

To reduce effects of hyperventilation due to stress you should Decrease your rate depth of breathing.

Using automations to fly a drone Eases his workload using savoir faire he knows best.

What a stressor An external or internal stimulus which interpreted an individual as being stressful.

What anemic hypoxia A lack of oxygen caused deficient oxygen transport in blood.

What hypoxic hypoxia A lack of oxygen caused oxygen deficiency in lungs.

What the main effect of chronic stress on a pilot The pilot may not be attentive to new challenges.

Which statement defines violation of a rule or a procedure You commit a violation when you voluntarily depart from a rule or procedure.

What the requirement to operate a small remotely piloted aircraft from a ground control station that above 10 000 ft asl There no additional requirements beyond what listed in car's.

What the recommended amount of time a drone pilot should take between donating blood and resuming flying duties There no additional requirements beyond what listed in car's.

Which sentence matches most to definition of human error We make a mistake when our action deviates from our intention when our intention inappropriate to situation.

Which proposal does not apply to a constructive and effective feedback A feedback must always firmly establish personal mistakes of its recipient.

Main strategies to face temporal constraints are The preparation of actions the classification of tasks in priority order.

What are main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance hypovigilance 1 the monotony of task2 tiredness and need sleep3 a lack of stimulation4 excessive stress The preparation of actions the classification of tasks in priority order.

Interpersonal relations workplace safety the canada labour code gives you right to know right to participate and right To refuse dangerous work.

One of means a drone pilot to be proficiency at an upcoming flight To prepare maximum of elements which will be used its realization.

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