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When in VFR flight within controlled airspace a pilot must remain clear of cloud by at least ? Explanation > civilian

exemple question 7
5 feet vertically mile horizontally.

The minimum flight visibility for VFR flight within a low level airway is ?

exemple question 8
The minimum flight visibility vfr flight within a low level airway is 5 feet vertically mile horizontally.

When in VFR flight within a Control Zone a pilot must remain clear of cloud by at least ?

exemple question 9
When in vfr flight within a control zone a pilot must remain clear of cloud at least 5 feet vertically mile horizontally.

exemple question 10
Vfr cross country pilots wishing to cross through any part of a class c control zone should Advise atc of their intentions obtain a clearance.

exemple question 11
Atc may authorize an aircraft equipped with a functioning two way radio to transit a control zone under day svfr provided flight visibility and when reported ground visibility are each not less than Advise atc of their intentions obtain a clearance.

exemple question 12
Atc may authorize a helicopter equipped with a functioning two way radio to transit a control zone under day svfr where flight visibility and when reported ground visibility are each not less than Advise atc of their intentions obtain a clearance.

exemple question 13
An aircraft flying in accordance with special vfr would be flying within Advise atc of their intentions obtain a clearance.

An arriving vfr flight shall make initial radio contact with control tower Prior to entering a control zone.

Vfr flight within class b airspace permitted In accordance with an atc clearance.

The pilot of an arriving vfr flight shall make initial radio contact with a control tower in class c airspace Prior to entering control zone.

Unless otherwise authorized a pilot on a vfr flight operating within a class c terminal control area must Establish maintain radio communication with appropriate atc unit.

The primary objective of an aviation safety investigation into an aircraft accident or aircraft incident to Establish maintain radio communication with appropriate atc unit.

Details on civil aviation accident reporting procedures can be found in Establish maintain radio communication with appropriate atc unit.

When an aircraft accident occurs pilot or operator of aircraft involved shall ensure that particulars of accident are reported to tsb As soon as possible by quickest means available.

The tsb shall be notified of a reportable aviation accident when Any of above conditions exist.

The tsb considers missing aircraft to be A reportable aviation accident.

Any area of land water including frozen surface or any other supporting structure used designed prepared equipped or set apart use either whole or in part the arrival departure movement or servicing of aircraft this includes any buildings installations and equipment situated thereon or associated therewith this definition belongs to A reportable aviation accident.

A radiocommunication service that provides the safety and navigation and other operations of aircraft and that may also include exchange of air to ground messages on behalf of public this definition belongs to The aeronautical service.

A mobile station in aeronautical service other than a survival craft located on board an aircraft The aeronautical service.

A land station in aeronautical mobile service in certain instances an aeronautical station may be located example on board a ship or on a platform at sea An aeronautical station.

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